tile with ultreia et suseia

Survey: After the Camino

Walking the Camino is, for many pilgrims, a life-changing experience. The internal changes are often vast and varied. But what happens when we return home to an unchanged external life?

With this survey, I am hoping to begin the process of creating re-entry support for pilgrims for when they return home from walking their first Camino pilgrimage.

Your responses to this survey will help me to better understand your needs and the needs of the thousands of other pilgrims who want to do better at navigating life post-Camino.

Thank you for your interest and willingness to participate in this survey.

With appreciation,


Here are the links to the survey:

If you have ALREADY WALKED your first Camino, please go here to complete the survey.

If you are PREPARING TO WALK your first Camino, please go here to complete the survey.